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We are inspired by everyday courage of individuals who, just like you, act to protect children.

Recently, we heard a story that reminded us of how powerful this courage can be and of the impact it carries.

Emily had just turned sixteen. She was excited to finally become a camp counselor in her community and took all the necessary steps to be ready for her new responsibility, including completing Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children® training. However, she never could have guessed just how quickly she would need to use her new knowledge.

During one of the camp activities, a boy in Emily’s care started sharing information with her about things an older child was doing to him. It became clear to Emily that he was disclosing sexual abuse.

She shared the disclosure with her supervisor and together they made a report to authorities. In turn, both the boy and the other child were able to receive the services they needed. Emily’s story is a perfect example of everyday courage – of someone stepping up to do what is right despite any personal risk she felt.

When you give to Darkness to Light, you help others like Emily courageously step-up and protect a child.

Whether it’s reporting disclosure like in Emily’s case, or something as seemingly small as a parent reinforcing their child’s boundaries with family, these acts of everyday courage are changing our culture and making our communities safer.

If you want to help provide education and resources that support these courageous acts, give today!

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