By Mary Elizabeth Huggins
Child Abuse Prevention Month ended on a strong note in Louisiana. On April 30, the Louisiana Office of Juvenile Justice partnered with Child Advocacy Services to train 12 supervisors to become authorized facilitators of Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children program.
These new facilitators are just the beginning — the Office of Juvenile Justice hopes to soon have their entire staff armed with the tools provided by the Stewards of Children training, enabling them to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.
“Thousands of children are in the care of this department. Having their staff trained will make a tremendous difference in their readiness and reactions to child sexual abuse,” says Rob Carlisle, the executive director of child advocacy services, and certified program instructor.“Our entire state is very proud of the tremendous response Stewards of Children is having across Louisiana.”
For more information on preventing child sexual abuse in your community, visit The 5 Steps to Protecting Our ChildrenTM, or take D2L’s award-winning Stewards of Children® prevention training.
Do you have any opening for the training
I’m Gwendolyn Cook with Sisters Outreach Inc. that empowers young adults girls and would like to be a part of the Steward of Children prevention training.