We have so much to be grateful for. Nine years ago Darkness to Light was nothing more than a frustrated survivor with a “divine download.” It took a gang of dedicated community members with fire in their bellies to transform this into ground-breaking grassroots prevention movement. From these humble beginnings came the only evidenced-based child sexual abuse prevention training availabe – Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children Program. There are now more than 2,000 facilitators of this program in 47 states and 10 countries – and the program is also available online and in Spanish. We’ve come so far!
– This year alone, 19,000 SC teachers have teaken the Stewards of Children Training Program. Because of this more than 190,000 SC children will be better protected from sexual abuse! The goal is to train 100% of SC’s teachers and all other school staff. Wow- what an impact, what a core to comprehensive community prevention!
– In Darkness to Light’s hometown of Charleston, SC more than 8,000 adults took Stewards of Children Training this year. Charleston’s Prevention Coalition has demonstrated that real and tangible change can be made in a community – the kind of change that creates a safer place for children to grow up healthy and whole.
– This year we’ve taken what we’ve learned about building and impactful community prevention movement and have begun sharing it with others. Darkness to Light is now offering free initiative-building workshops for organizations that are committed to creating meaningful change in their communitites.
We are poised to do something great– to change the culture in America so people understand that child sexual abuse IS something to prevent — not to mourn after the fact. Together, the power is ours. We will choose to move forward together in this partnership call prevention or we will see our efforts sputter to a stop.
I pray that you will take part. We can move beyond the drama and trauma of sexual abuse and BE the resolve – create a true shift in our culture. We can do this.
Keeping the faith,
Anne Lee
Founder and President
What a great cause – prevention is the answer. About 20 years ago, 2 different friends confiding in me with what had happened to them in their youth. I wanted to help them so much but I didn't really know how to. Darkness to Light is the answer…Thanks for everything that you are doing.
I am so glad that non-profits like you fight to STOP ABUSE. It gives survivors like myself that are struggling to find thier place in the world hope. It is through efforts of orgs like you that make a difference in the lives that you may not even be aware of. Thanks so much.