Summer Programs and Child Sexual Abuse Prevention

Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other

Prevention can’t take a summer break.

Recently, D2L had the privilege of meeting with educators, youth workers, and child advocacy center staff members in the Beaumont region of Texas. This area has a thriving child sexual abuse prevention initiative, and everyone we spoke with had a unique perspective on why prevention is important for parents and anyone who works with children.

Julie Prudhome, one of the fantastic staff members of the Garth House, Mickey Mehaffy Children’s Advocacy Program, gave great advice on the particular need for camps and summer programs to put policies in place that protect children.

Join us on our blog and on Facebook next Tuesday as we share Carol Hogue’s prevention tips for camps and summer programs. Carol is a prevention specialist, certified instructor, and parent featured in D2L’s Stewards of Children training documentary.


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