Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Media

1 in 10 children in the United States will be sexually abused before they turn 18. D2L media efforts shed light on the magnitude of child sexual abuse, with the understanding that this issue can be prevented, stopped, and overcome. As adults, we are solely responsible for the safety of children and as a result, our media is targeted to adult audiences – parents, caregivers, and administration/staff of youth serving organizations.

As part of adult responsibility, we are committed to providing media that factually and responsibly addresses the issue of child sexual abuse. If you would like more information, please contact our media department at

Co-Branding Opportunities

D2L offers a variety of marketing and advertising items that can be co-branded for community awareness and training initiatives. Pictured is a sample billboard advertisement. Links and logos can be customized to fit the needs of the initiative and organization. For further information, e-mail