Last week we were ecstatic when we got word that the Mt. Pleasant Fire Department was going to train 100 Fireman in our upcoming August Prevent-a-thon. Soon after we’d heard the good news from Mt. Pleasant, we found out that the Charleston Fire Department was going to train all 304 of their Firemen in D2L’s Stewards of Children Prevention Program!
Not only does the Firemen’s commitment mean that 404 adults will be better able to PREVENT child sexual abuse, but it signifies that city officials in Charleston recognize the importance of child sexual abuse specific training.
During Prevent-a-thon 2010, we’re also happy to announce that we will reach tipping point in our tri-county community. After August we will have trained over 22,000 in the tri-county area in Stewards of Children! What an achievement!
On another note, the Charleston Fire Department also has made a great commitment for our Pedal for Prevention! Find out More!
This is very encouraging news. Excuse the play on words but I hope Stewards Of Children Prevention Program catches on FIRE in other Fire Depts. across America and eventually the world.