Facilitator Workshop 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM EST – Cost: $450 (entire amount is tax deductible)


Darkness to Light’s Authorized Facilitators are advocates for keeping children safe from sexual abuse.

A Darkness to Light Authorized Facilitator is an individual who has been trained by Darkness to Light to deliver the Stewards of Children® training program to adults in their organization or community. Facilitators model the core principals of Stewards of Children® in their community by talking openly about child sexual abuse and engaging adults in discussion.

The cost of the workshop includes:

  • Instructions on the philosophy and purpose of Stewards of Children®, mastery of the training curriculum, preparation for and promoting the program, and facilitator policies and procedures
  • All training materials including the Facilitator Manual, Facilitator Guide & Script with the DVD, and 20 Stewards of Children® Interactive Workbooks
  • 7 hours of instruction, approved for CE credit by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW).

Click here to learn more about becoming an Authorized Facilitator.

April 26 @ 08:30
08:30 — 17:00 (8h 30′)